Monday, November 28, 2011

Old Lamps For New

Well yes its nearly panto season and here I would like to write about my hypothetical Aladdin’s lamp.  We all complain at times.  My life is too busy, I am too tired, if only there were enough hours in the day, if I had more money, if i had a better car, if my network provider actually provided a decent service (lol) the list is long and endless and if we didn’t have these things to complain about truthfully I think we would be pretty bored.  The bottom line is if you had a magic lamp is there much you would change? possibly ( the continual load shouting from the rest of the house hold as you try to write your blog could make you want to ask for a volume button at times) but along with the bad is always the good. 

One of my 'good' wishes whether I asked for it or not is the new group of friends I have made on a writers page on Facebook.  I have to applaud you all, you too have seemed to have found your Aladdin’s lamps and slowly and surely your wishes are coming true.  Keep polishing them, the golden glow of your dreams and happiness are what make them a reality and you inspire us to inspire you.  So next time I hear new lamps for old, I am going to keep my old lamp because it’s filled with forty years of dreams wishes and achievements.